Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 25 #7

Today was one of those days! That resulted in today's project to be very impromptu due to the fact that I have an amazing roommate/best friend!

Today's thing turned out to be "every kid should receive notes of support, encouragement, or just because." I had a horrible day at school today. It was stressful, exhausting, overwhelming, tiring, and any other synonym you could possibly think of that goes with those words. My fifth graders had their maturation program today so that was all that they could think about of focus on today and so it was a SUPER unproductive day. I felt like I was totally talking to the wall. Nonetheless all of the above put me in a very grumpy mood and I was in NO mood to deal with anyone tonight after I got home. I came home and decided that nap would probably be my best option. Weeeeeelllll . . . .five hours later I woke up feeling only slightly better. I groggily got up and saw sitting on my floor a lovely note from Shan. I hadn't even opened it and I was already smiling, the envelope alone was good enough for me! However, I did open the note and it said just what I needed to hear. The best part is that Shan didn't even know the half of what my day entailed and just how bad of a day I was having. To sum it up I pretty much have THE absolute most amazing best friend in the world!

Thanks Shan! I love you!

P.S. Stay tuned for Shan's post on #7, someday when I can be just as good of a friend as she is.

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