Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 11 #86

Today's thing was "every kid should have a personal library card". Well after taking an entire hour to try and get one I can see why it is so important to get them as kids, then maybe you won't have to go through the whole ordeal! So here's the story. . . We knew that in order to get a library card you needed to have proof of residency for living in Logan City Limits so in preparation for today we sent ourselves letters from the police department so that we would be all ready. So with our letters in hand we headed off to the library. As we were pulling out of our driveway Shan asked me where the library was and we realized that neither of us knew where it was, so we called the police department for directions. Once we finally got to the library Shan parked on the east side "knowing" that the front doors was near the street. Well all that was on the east side was two doors and a sign that said "This is not an entrance please use the west doors". Freak! So we walked clear over to the other side. We finally got in to the library and to the front desk to get our cards only to figure out that I am a ra-tard and I forgot a photo ID. So. . . . back in the car we got and drove clear back across town to get my ID. While we were driving it dawned on me that there was a small possibility that we technically don't live in Logan City. Well, rest assured we called the library and found out that we ARE in the city limits, but . . . we needed to have mail that WASN'T hand written (which Shan's was). ha thankfully we were already home so Shan found another piece of mail with the slightly wrong address on it and off we were again for the second time to try and get our cards. . . Fast forward five minutes and we were back to the library and parked on the correct side of the building and headed back in again to try for our cards a second time. This time it was a definite success! Shan and I are now the proud owners of Logan City Library cards!

Shan filling out her card application.

Me filling out my application.

Official library card holders!

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