Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 1 #59

Today’s thing was “every kid should have a pet.” So Kelli and I went to the local Wal-Mart and bought a beta fish. That is right. . . He is orange and his name is Ace. Where did the name Ace come from you ask? Well we were talking about what we wanted to name our children and our friend, Aimee, said she knew someone who named their child Ace. Kelli immediately pegged me as someone who would name my kid Ace. In truth I would, I am a bit of a jock, okay . . . so I am a jock, I played volleyball for Utah State, what do you want from me. Needless to say when naming our new fish, Ace only seemed natural.

Picking up Ace from the orphanage.

Ace in his new home.

Welcome Home Ace!


  1. Love the blog! and the music selection. Dynamite!!!

  2. Hope you guys aren't broke when the 101 days are over! :)

  3. Hey Now Mr. Jiggles has a cousin. Our beta is blue, pink and purple. When he get mad he turns really bright colors.

  4. Thanks Whitt! And Karen our beta is lazy and barely even moves. . . =o(

  5. Nice fishy he's really cool!!

    From Emily Earl
