If you were paying attention before you will remember that I mentioned a trip that we would be taking. So #96 is "every kid should have an adventure" and " 62 is "Every kid should take a trip to Washington D.C." So as a graduation present we decided to take a trip to Washington D.C. and New York. I had never been to either places and have always wanted to go and Kelli is always up for a trip. So we used this trip as our adventure as well as fulfilling #25 "every kid should go for a ride in a small airplane". Technically the plane that we flew to New York in was not small, but small planes freak me out and are way expensive so...There is a lot to tell about our trip, but I will just give you the basics and let the picture tell you the rest. My aunt lives in upstate New York but she has a friend who owns an apartment in the Bronx, so she met us in New York and acted as our official tour guide as well as hooking us up with a free place to stay. Needless to say she is AMAZING!!! While in New York we went to the empire state building (where I got hit on by some black guys), the empire state building, times square, china town, 2 Broadway plays (including Wicked), ground zero, and wall street. We also went to a New York Yankee's game thus fulfilling # 77 "every kid should go to a baseball game with grandpa", oh except grandpa wasn't there but I had my aunt which is the next best thing. After New York City we went to my aunts house in Rochester and spent some quality time with her family. The LDS church also has a lot of historical sights there in Palmyra so went and saw those as well as Niagara Falls, all with about an hour of my aunt's house!! After New York we caught a train to D.C. That is enough words, you can enjoy the pictures. But I do want to say that I LOVED this trip especially Wahsington D.C. it was my favorite part of the whole trip. Enjoy:)
Philadelphia (We stopped there on our way to D.C.)
I wondered if you ever completed your 101 things!