Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Catch Up #3, #96,62,25,77

If you were paying attention before you will remember that I mentioned a trip that we would be taking. So #96 is "every kid should have an adventure" and " 62 is "Every kid should take a trip to Washington D.C." So as a graduation present we decided to take a trip to Washington D.C. and New York. I had never been to either places and have always wanted to go and Kelli is always up for a trip. So we used this trip as our adventure as well as fulfilling #25 "every kid should go for a ride in a small airplane". Technically the plane that we flew to New York in was not small, but small planes freak me out and are way expensive so...There is a lot to tell about our trip, but I will just give you the basics and let the picture tell you the rest. My aunt lives in upstate New York but she has a friend who owns an apartment in the Bronx, so she met us in New York and acted as our official tour guide as well as hooking us up with a free place to stay. Needless to say she is AMAZING!!! While in New York we went to the empire state building (where I got hit on by some black guys), the empire state building, times square, china town, 2 Broadway plays (including Wicked), ground zero, and wall street. We also went to a New York Yankee's game thus fulfilling # 77 "every kid should go to a baseball game with grandpa", oh except grandpa wasn't there but I had my aunt which is the next best thing. After New York City we went to my aunts house in Rochester and spent some quality time with her family. The LDS church also has a lot of historical sights there in Palmyra so went and saw those as well as Niagara Falls, all with about an hour of my aunt's house!! After New York we caught a train to D.C. That is enough words, you can enjoy the pictures. But I do want to say that I LOVED this trip especially Wahsington D.C. it was my favorite part of the whole trip. Enjoy:)

Philadelphia (We stopped there on our way to D.C.)

Catch Up #2, #67

Catch Up number 2 is "every kid should clown around". For some reason I only have picture of Kelli doing this, but I know we took some pictures of me as well, but Kelli is way more photogenic so I am totally okay with it. For this one we bought one of those flowers that sprays water that clowns wear, and the we took turn spraying each other with it. I also found a picture of those inflatable animals that come in like a tube that expand in water and I am pretty sure that was part of our clowning around as well. This whole memory thing is kind of hard!

Our expanding animals!

If I remember right the flower squirted you more than it did the other person.

Catch Up Day #1, #100

Alright I am bored in class tonight so I thought I should continue on with the catch up of our blog. #100 is "Every kid should have the opportunity to act like a kid". To be honest I found these pictures on my computer with all of the other pictures from our blog and I can't remember when thing they were suppose to be, but based upon what is left I figure this has to be the right thing to go with the pictures. For this one we went to the mall, which is a pathetic excuse of a mall, and played with some of the kid toys they have there. I remember it was a lot of fun and I won our giant chess game:)

Our Giant Chess Game That I Won!

Me Cruising On My Motorcycle!!

Kelli Taking a Safari Ride;)

Day: I have no idea, # all of the above

Well HELLLO!! So it has been a long time since we last wrote (like two years), so I thought it was about time to catch you all up on how the semester finished out. Let me begin by saying that we never did finish our 101 things and to be honest I am kind of glad we didn't because I think that would mean that it really is all over. Don't get me wrong I am glad to be done with school (well sort of...we will get to that later) but finish the 101 things would me that we are no longer kids. To be honest I think that we never truly grow up, there is always a part of us that will always be a kid (plus I have been called a big kid on more than one occasion).  So I am going to start to fill you in on the last days of our last semester (two years later).

Today we will start with #91 "Every Kid should experience the mystery of magic". I am going to warn you now that these posts may not be as exciting as previous ones, because I don't remember all of the small details of these ones. So for this one we to the dollar store and bought those cheap magic trick sets. I am pretty sure I used them one time (when Kelli and I first got them) and then gave mine to my nephew.

Our awesome magic sets. I remember that I liked Kelli's much better than mine because she had the coin trick with hers.

Day 67 #4

Today's thing is "every kid should camp in the backyard". Kelli is not necessarily a camp in the yard kind of person and we live in Logan so weather has not been very nice lately so we modified this one just a little. But I need to preface this a little. I play volleyball at Utah State which means in the fall I spend half of my time in the Dee Glen Smith Spectrum. We practice in there three hours a day during season and we play all of our matches there. I consider it my second home based on how much time I have spent in there. Having said that I have always wanted to sleep in the Spectrum. So Kelli knows the USU police through her job so we got them to let us in the spectrum at about one in the morning. We did not end up staying there the whole night, but we did spent about two hours in there half awake. It is an experience that I will never forget!!!

Day 66 #66

Today's thing is "every kid should mark birthday's with a celebration". Well neither I nor Kelli has a birthday during this semester, so we decided to celebrate someone famous' birthday. So we chose to celebrate the author of the Declaration of Independence's birthday. Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 he not only wrote the Declaration of Independence but he was also our third president, so we figured he was a pretty good choice for our birthday celebration. So in honor of his birthday we went and got ice cream at Charlie's, which is this cute little ice cream shop in Logan. the best part was that I got to combine my two favorite things ice cream and cookie dough. Kelli got a sundae which I am sure was almost as good as my cookie dough shake:) We wanted to play some songs on the Juke Box that they have there but unfortunately we did not have any quarters. However, someone else played "Your so Vain" so I guess we at least got something out of the juke box. Either way it was really great ice cream!!!

Fun Facts about the birthday boy!

* Thomas Jefferson was tall (6 feet 2 1/2 inches) and had reddish hair.
* Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.
* One of Jefferson's greatest achievements as President was the Louisiana Purchase, which cost the U.S. approximately 15 million dollars.
* President Jefferson also sent Lewis and Clark on their famous expedition across America in 1803. See a replica of the Lewis and Clark Expedition Compass here.
* The Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. is modeled after the Pantheon of Rome. Jefferson introduced the circular style of structure with columns to America.
* Thomas Jefferson was not well skilled in public speaking. His strength was in his written words.
* While President, Thomas Jefferson cut the budget, eliminated the tax on whiskey and still reduced the national debt by a third
* One of the newer facts on Thomas Jefferson that I recently discovered was about his involvement in archaeology. Thomas Jefferson is sometimes referred to as the "father of American archaeology", because he was the first to use the method of stratification in an archaeology dig on his property. He organized the dig to explore a mound on his property that turned out to be an old burial ground for Piedmont Indians. As a boy, he had noticed Native American Indians passing by the spot in what appeared to be sadness, and was always curious about it.
* While at William and Mary College, he stayed in the building that is known today as the Sir Christopher Wren Building
* After college, Thomas Jefferson studied law under George Wythe, who would one day join his friend Jefferson in signing the Declaration of Independence
* Thomas Jefferson grew many tomatoes at Monticello, even though many people at that time thought that they were poisonous. Once, in Lynchburg, he publicly ate a tomato, apparently causing quite a stir.
* While in the White House, President Thomas Jefferson kept a pet mockingbird named Dick. Dick was sometimes allowed to fly around Jefferson's office.
* Also while President, Thomas Jefferson kept two grizzly bears on the White House lawn, briefly. A gift from Zebulon Pike's expedition, they were eventually give to the museum in Philadelphia.
* Some of Thomas Jefferson's favorite foods were macaroons, macaroni and peas. He ate little meat..."I have lived temperately, eating little animal food, and that . . . as a condiment for the vegetables, which constitute my principal diet."
* Jefferson experimented with planting many varieties of vegetables and fruits at Monticello. Heirloom seeds from Monticello were planted in the Obama White House garden in 2010. You can purchase seeds for your own garden when you visit Monticello!

"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."
~Thomas Jefferson