Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 70 #78

Today's thing is "every kid should play with his food". Seeing as how this Sunday is Easter we decided that coloring Easter eggs would fit this perfectly. Unfortunately Kelli had to work tonight so I boiled the eggs and took it to her work so we could do it together. I never though that I would be coloring eggs at a police department, but it turned out really good!!

Kelli's eggs she tried to make the top pink one zebra, but I don't see it;)

My awesome eggs, the green one was suppose to be a volleyball, but the egg shape kind of messed it up but I totally see a volleyball all the same:)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 69 #49

Today thing was "every kid should ride a horse". Kelli and I have both ridden horses before, and lets just say Kelli has not had the greatest experience with them resulting in her fear of horses. So she was not to upset when we failed to find a real horse to ride. Living in Logan you would think we would be able to find someone with some horses we could ride, but after asking almost everyone we know we were unable to find someone to take us for a ride. So we got creative and went to the local K-Mart and rode the toy horse in front of the store. Oh and don't worry a little four year old girl rode the merry-go-round right before us. It was pretty funny especially since we did not fit on the ride. It was fun though and made us feel like little kids again!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 68 #68, 3,12, 44

Today was actually a nice day in Logan and by nice I mean we actually saw the sun even though it was a little chilly. Because it was so nice we added on a few things that had to be done in good weather along with the thing we already had planned for today .

Our first things is "every kid should go to a family reunion". This is a bit odd but it is our blog so. . .Neither of us had a family reunion to go to during this smester so we had to be a little creative. As we have mentioned we are LDS so today's family reunion was going to the Logan Temple and doing baptisms for the dead. We decided that at some point we are all related and so why not spend some time with our deceased family as well as our living family performing the work with us:)

Our second thing for today is "every kid should go outside at dusk and stay there until its dark, watching the stars come out". We obvioulsy had to do this one on a day when you could actually see the sun going down and the stars coming out, so we decided we needed to do this today in case we did not get another chance. It was really pretty!!!

Our third thing for today is "every kid should eat homemade ice cream on a hot summer evening". We figured we could settle for a chilly sunny evening due to the rain storms we have been having. Also because this was a bit imprompto we didn't actually make the ice cream ourselves. We went and got Aggie Icecream which is made by USU so techniqually it is homemade, just not by us:) The ice cream was great (way better than the BYU creamery or any other kind of ice cream) and it gave us something to do as we were watching the sun go down!!!

Our fourth and final thing was "every kid should should decorate the driveway". We don't exactly have a driveway so we figured our back porch would have to do. So we pulled out the chalk and began decorating after we ate our ice cream and as we watched the sun go down. I think our creation turned out pretty awesome!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 65 # 22,13,23

We trippled out today out of necessity to finish in time. So one of today's things was "every kid should make a special homemade present for mom or dad, grandma, or grandpa". So we decided we would make our parents homemade frames with our senior picture in it. We both went and took senior pictures to send out with our graduation announcements, so all we needed to do was make the frame. Kelli scrapbooked her's because well she is just more creative than me. I just bought a frame and added some bright green ribbon not very creative but it fits me so. . .

Our second thing today was "every kid should help create a scrapbook of her childhood memories". If you will remember one of our things was to take pictures of whatever we wanted with a disposable camera, so Kelli and I decided to make a scrapbook of these pictures. They turned out pretty cute more so on Kelli's end then mine but I am okay with that.

Our third and last thing for today was "every kid should express creativity". Both of the projects that we did allowed us to express our creativity. In fact this whole 'Last Semester' thing has allowed us to express our creativity. We are getting close to the end (only three weeks till graduation) and we have loved every minute of this experience because it allowed us to express who we are and what we are all about. It is a priceless experience:)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 64 # 56

Today's thing is "every kid should create a board game". So Kelli is now teaching first graders about the sun, moon, stars, etc. So we decided that our game should be something she could use with her students. So we created this game called I have, Who has? Basically you say what you have and then on the same card you have a definition so you read who has and then your definition the person with the answer to your definition then says what they have and then their definition and it goes through all the words and their definition. For example, I would say who has a large star that heats the earth and whoever had sun would say 'I have sun who has a vehicle for transporting people to space' and whoever had rocket ship would go next. Our game is not a board game and techniqually it is not a game because well there is no winner or loser:(, but it helped Kelli's class learn the concepts so it works:)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 63 #61

Today's thing is "every kid should decorate her room according to the theme of her choice". Kelli and I are very different in personal style and tastes so as you can imagine our rooms are decorated very differently. Kelli hates blank walls so she loves to put things on her walls. In her room right now she hung up blank picture frames that she painted either black, purple, or green (the colors of her room). It looks really cute and I know she loves it. I on the other hand don't like to clutter my walls and in truth I like blank walls, at least in my bedroom. Which is why my room does not have a lot of decorations in it except my cork board of family pictures and my bookshelf. We are at two opposite ends of the spectrum but that is the great thing about it being your room; you get to do with it what you want and we are both really happy with our rooms:)

Just in case there was any confusion this is Kelli's room:)

Kelli's bedroom with blank picture frames.

My awesome cork board. Look how cute my nieces and nephews are!!!

My bookshelf. I especially like the Utah State volleyball!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 62 #57

Today's thing is "every kid should have one outstanding teacher". I am sure that most of us have at least one teacher that made a big difference in our life and Kelli and I are going to tell you about our outstanding teacher.

My fifth grade teacher was named Ms. Bastow and she was awesome! She would spend her summers traveling the world so she had all of these great stories that she would use to teach us different concepts. For example she used her trip to Washington D.C. to teach us about the presidents, the white house, and U.S history. I think what made her outstanding is that I actually remember a lot of the things that she taught me. I don't really remember a lot of the concepts I learned in elementary but I remember hers because of the way she taught them to us. She is a great teacher!!

Kel checking in here:
One of my many outstanding teachers would have to be my high school history teacher Mrs. Woodhouse. In Jr. High, I remember very vividly getting in long drawn out arguments with my history teacher wanting to know why it was so important to learn about things that had already happened. Why couldn't we focus on more important things that would help save our future. He tried to tell me that they were important, I just didn't listen. Ninth grade geography was the first time that I started to change my mind about all of this. It was the first time that I had the opportunity to have Mrs. Woodhouse as a teacher, and it was the first time that I ever had a teacher show me, not just explain to me why history was important. Although we had to suffer through many sleepless nights due to projects, culture points, and current events, there were so many lessons learned beyond the classroom walls that will never be forgotten. I had the pleasure of having her for four years as a teacher, and I was able to go on an American History tour of the East coast with her. She had such a deep understanding and love of all of it that it was basically contagious. Due to her, I am now a huge lover of history and one of my most favorite channels on TV is the History Channel!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 61 #64

Today's thing is "every kid should play classic games". Kelli had to work today so I stopped by around ten to play classic games, we even roped some of her co-workers into playing. We played go fish, old maid, jaxs, phase ten, and Chinese Checkers. We have not played these games in a long time, so we had to look up a few of the rules online. Pretty sad but we wanted to be authentic with our classic games. What was even more pathetic is that Kelli beat me in every game except jaxs (my hand eye coordination was too much for her). This as you can imagine was really frustrating for me because I am super competitive and I really hate loosing. Despite my losing streak we had a lot of fun!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 60 #43

Today's thing is "every kid should go on a factory tour". There are a lot of places in Logan that you can go for a factory tour but we chose Gossner's. They make dairy products my favorite of which is their cheese curds. It was really fun and interesting to see how they make and package their products and to sample some of their cheeses.

Huge blocks of cheese on their way to be packaged.

Day 59 #47

Today's thing is "every kid should play dress up". Well we decided that instead of dressing up in the traditional kid fashion (in costumes) we would go to our favorite store Ross Dress For Less and try on some of their dresses. We picked some ugly ones and some that we would actually consider wearing but in the end we came away with nothing but some fun pictures:)

Me trying to pose like Kelli, but I think I just look stupid because it is so not me.

Me in some heinous dress that I would never wear, however I think it looks way hot with the socks!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 58 #36

Today' thing is "every kid should participate in a '-thon'". So today we decided to hold a John Wayne movie marathon. We really like John Wayne we even happen to be his friend on Facebook. We started the marathon off with a documentary on John Wayne's early years. It was really interesting and we learned a lot. We already knew that John Wayne's real name is Marion Morrison and that he was born in Iowa, but we did not know that he played Football at the University of Southern California (USC). After the documentary we watched all of the movies of John Wayne that I own. We started with Stagecoach which was his first big hit movie. After which we watched Chisum, Rio Bravo, and finished it off with my favorite John Wayne McLintock. If I am being honest I am glad I don't own anymore John Wayne movies because the filming is obviously not the greatest because of the time period they came from, and I can only take so many cowboy movies. In the end the movie marathon was a success and we loved it!!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 57 #2

Today' thing is "every kid should believe in things that can't be seen". As we have mentioned before we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS for short) and this weekend is our General Conference in which we get to hear from our prophet President Thomas S. Monson as well as other leaders in our church. It is a great opportunity and we look forward to it. This fits into our thing perfectly because as Latter Day Saints we believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. We have never seen God, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Ghost, but we definately believe in them and this is shown through our participation in General Conference. We loved it and we also learned a lot!!!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 56 #1

Today’s thing was “every kids should do something to make the world a better place”. This was one that we realized would definitely take some creative thinking. As I sit in the living room at 3:30 in the morning surround by lesson plans, portfolio junk, art projects, and bulletin boards. And my best friend Shan sits near by staying up WAY past her bedtime just to simply offer me support as I try to trudge forward and try to finish up my portfolio that is due in less than 24 hours, I realize that we have definitely achieved this one.
Teachers are continually striving to teach students not only the content knowledge and state standards that are required of them, but they are also trying to instill in their students manners and life skills that will help them to become decent human beings and achieve something amazing with their lives. Everyday that I get up and go to school I am trying to make the world a better place one frustrating student at a time. I someday hope to achieve that.
On the same token, Shan is wanting to be a high school counselor and a coach and I feel as if there is nothing more extraordinary than that. Counselors are the ones who give students their first vote of confidence that they will be able to reach their goals and they are there to help them figure out how to achieve them. However, Shan doesn’t quit there! She also wants to be a coach, and I believe that all you have to do is stop for just half a second realize the effect that they have on students. Coaches are often the one adult that some kids have to look up to and respect, and it is from them that they learn true values that will help them succeed and become better then what they themselves believe they can be.
Here we thought that it would be difficult to try and make the world a better place, but all I had to do to figure this one out was to stop for half a second and realize that the answer was in our life goals. The career paths we have chosen are definitely going to help make this world a better place. . . . .someday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 55 #69

Today's thing is "every kid should make a pizza". So we both have made a pizza before so we decided to put a little twist on it. We made fruit pizza. We got a variety of fruits including strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, mango, and kiwi. We made this great frosting from real butter which sounds gross but it seriously tastes so good!!!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 54 #80

Today's thing was "every kid should make caramel apples". In short went and bought the stuff and made caramel apples.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 53 #27

Today's thing is "every kid should take music lessons". We were at my parents house when we did this which worked out great because my mom happens to be a piano teacher. So I taught Kelli a few things on the piano not a whole lot just the basics. My mom being a piano teacher I grew up taking music lessons, however I am not a very good piano player because as a kid I wanted to be outside playing sports instead of learning how to play the piano. Anyways I could always use a few more lessons because of my lack of skill so I had my mom give me a lesson like the good old days. Anyways it was fun to teach Kelli and helpful to have my mom give me a lesson.

Kelli getting her piano lesson.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 52 #46

Today's thing is "every kid should explore other cultures". This was one of my favorite experiences because Kelli and I went to the festival of colors. It is this event put on by an Indian temple in Spanish Fork. Basically you throw chalk dust on people and then they have big massive throwing were everyone throws chalk all at once and it makes this huge dust cloud. They have a lot of bright colors to represent the colors of spring. The idea is that it brings in the spring season getting rid of the dark colors of winter and bringing the bright colors of spring. It was pretty awesome and I could not get all of the chalk dust out of my hair so I have a pink streak in my hair. It just had to be my least favorite color. . .oh well it was still totally worth it.

Kelli covered in chalk!!

Me covered in chalk!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 51 #31

Today's thing is "every kid should experience a family car trip". So Kelli and I went to my hometown two hours away to experience the family car trip. In my family car trips we each got a turn to pick the CD of our choice for our turn. I usually picked NSYNC or something like that, that I knew all the words to. Anyways so Kelli and I implimented this tradition on our 'family' car trip. I chose a mixed CD that I just made that has a variety of songs and Kelli chose the soundtrack from Doing That Thing You do. We had the music playing in the back ground, but we pretty much spent the whole trip down talking. It was fun as usual.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 50 #60

Today's thing is "every kid should have a hobby". Well we both have some unexpected or at least surprising hobbies. For example I knit. If you know me at all this would not be something most people would imagine me doing, but my mom is amazing at crochetting and knitting so she taught me how to knit. I am not that great at it but I can knit scarves and those headband things with flowers on them. I have several now though so I think it it is time I learn how to make something else. Kelli's hobby is scrapbooking and needless to say she is amazing at it. We don't really have pictures of this one, but use your imagination.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 49 #53

Today's thing is "every kid should go to a fair,carnival, or amusement park.". So today Kelli and I went to the Grad Fair were we bought our cap, gown, and tassel for graduation. Obviously this was a different type of fair, but we are counting it all the same. Anyways our tassels are light blue which represent our college (college of education and human services) which means that we graduate at the same time in the same ceremony. We are both way excited!!!! p.s. We left our gown out of the picture for this so you can look forward to the complete outfit on May 7th.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 48 #29

Today's thing was "every kid should grow a vegetable garden." Well, seeing how we live in Logan and we essentially have NO Spring around here we headed on down to the local Wal-Mart and bought an indoor greenhouse and some seeds and planted our garden. Lucky for us the plants said that we are supposed to grow them inside for a few weeks, so with any luck we will succeed. I wanted peas and Shan wanted beets (yuck!) so we each got what we wanted and then agreed on peppers as well. I am quite excited to try out my green thumb!

Our "Garden" Kit.

Let the growing begin!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 47 #11

So today's thing was "every kid should turn off the television for a weekend". So starting Friday night we decided to turn off the tv. This worked out okay because I was in Vegas coaching the men's volleyball club team so I was in a gym all day and out all night cruising the strip. Kelli was in Logan working the nights and sleeping the days. In the end though we did it which proves that it can be done in this electronic day and age:)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 46 #83

Today's thing was "every kid should experience the feelings of love, safety, and security". You could call this one a stretch, but I say that it is just part of our everyday life. One person who truly makes me feel extremely loved, and have a sense of security and safety would most definitely be Shan! I can most definitely count on her and turn to her for any of my problems and I will know that my secret is safe with her and that she will never judge me or hate me for what I have done. She will be there to help and encourage me. I hope that Shan can in some way feel the same way about me. (Even if not, we both agreed that we at least love ourselves) haha! =o)

To celebrate our amazing friendship and love for each other and ourselves, Shan and I pampered ourselves a little. We went out and bought us some new shoes, then went to dinner, and a dance show. I must say that the show was a complete FAIL but other than that we definitely had an amazing time together!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 43,44, 45 #54, 51, and 32

So this past weekend I had the pleasure of visiting Kelli's hometown Oakley, Idaho. We planned this trip because of #54 which is "every kid should visit the place where mom and dad grew up" as well as #51 "every kid should spend some time on a farm, even for a short visit". Oakley is basically a farm out in the middle of no where, so it fit in perfectly. We had a lot of fun we went up on Friday and came back on Sunday. Luckily Kelli has the hookups in town so we got to see the volunteer firestation, the high school, the local store Clark's, town hall, the jail, and the local Cafe Smith's. We also went to the playhouse to see Singin In the Rain. It was really fun and the lead in the play had an amazing voice. Which brings me to #32 which is "every kid should see a classic movie on the big screeen." This thing was kind of a impromptu to thing because we went to the play and they used a projector for part of the play, and we had been trying to figure out how we were going to do this one so when we saw it we knew this was our chance. So we went to the playhouse late on Saturday night and watched Grease on the projector and screen. In the end I totally loved my trip to historic Oakley!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 42 #79

Today's thing is "every kid should see mom or dad laugh". I went home this week for spring break so that is why this weeks stuff deals with family. My family is very sarcastic so we laugh a lot but I have one experience that happened this week that I will tell you about. My mom was teaching a family history class for the first time in Sunday school which lasts an hour. So I asked my mom how long she was teaching the class and she says "for the whole hour" and I am like no freakin' way mom I thought you were only going to teach it for fifteen minutes. My dad and I laughed pretty hard. Writing it out like this does not make it seem that funny, but if you were there you would have laughed.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 41 #74

Today's thing is "every kid should spend time alone with a parent". This one is pretty easy for me to do because whenever I go home I am alone with my parents. I am the youngest and all of my other siblings are married so ya. Anyways so today I spent some alone time with my mom. My mom and I both love movies, unfortunately my dad does not. Whenever I go home my mom always takes me with her to see the movies she wants to see. So I went with my mom to see The Adjustment Buraeu. It was a lot of fun we like to make it early to the show so we can see the previews. The ones that we like we plan on going to see together. I really like the movie, it was a glorified chick flick, but I still liked it. My mom thought it was okay, but not as good as Unknown. Either way we had a lot of fun!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 40 #98

Today's thing is "every kid should learn about their family history". My mother happens to be a family history guru so I took some time today to learn about my family. If you have not guessed it already, Kelli and I are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS for short); so it is not surprising that I learned that my great, great, great grandfather was a polygamist. The LDS church no longer practices polygamy but it is a part of our history. Anyways my grandfather had three wives and I come from his second wife. He was even put in jail because he was a polygamist. I also learned that my father's side is British and that we have some old royal blood in the family. My mother's side is from Denmark in fact my great grandfather moved here from Denmark in his early twenties where he met is wife who was also from Denmark. It was really interesting to learn about my family and I also got to spend some time with my mom. It was a great experience.

The British Flag

The Danish Flag

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 39 #84

Today's thing is "every kid should participate in an extracurricular activity". Well as I have mentioned before I used to play volleyball for Utah State, so this weekend I actually went to a volleyball tournament in Jackson Hole Wyoming with some other alumni so I counted that as my extracurricular activity. It was a lot of fun and it felt good to play in a competitive atmosphere again. Some of the teams we played were not very good, because they let anyone come and so there where some older women there. There were a few good teams there that were a lot of fun to play against, but needless to say our team I was legit, and we won the whole tournament. It was actually a true double elimination, and we lost in the second round and then fought back to win the whole thing!!! We decided that we just wanted to get our money's worth because if you were in the losers bracket you had to play more games to make it back into the championship match:) It was a lot of fun and we won some cool bags (that is how we do it in Jackson (inside joke))!!!!!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 38 #58

Today's thing is "every kid should write a letter to their favorite athlete, actor, or actress". So for my letter I wrote to Karch Kiraly (Kr-eye). He is an amazing volleyball player, he most known for his beach play, but he also played indoor. In fact, he was the first person to win an Olympic gold medal in both indoor and beach volleyball. He is amazing!!! Anyways I just wrote to him about how awesome I think he is and how much he has done for the sport of volleyball especially here in the United States. Oh and you better believe we are sending these to them.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 37 #89

Today's things was "every kid should be given a camera to take pictures and the freedom to take whatever pictures she wants to take." Seeing how we take pictures daily to document our crazy adventures we wanted to go above and beyond the daily norms with this one. We went out to the local Wal-Mart and bought disposable cameras. We are going to carry these with us on whatever adventures we have and document it through a good old point and click. We have BIG plans for the future with these pictures, but you are just going to have to wait and see! =o)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 36 #48

Today's thing was "every kid should eat green eggs". So in honor of Dr. Suess's birthday we thought it would be fitting to do this one today. So we put green food coloring (a lot of green food coloring) into our beaten eggs and they we scrambled them. It was a little hard to eat the green eggs, for obvious reasons, but they still tasted excellent!

The uncooked eggs........

The finished product!!!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 35 #73

Today's thing is "every kid should blow soap bubbles". So Kelli and I pulled out our dish soap, Karo syrup, water, and food coloring and made some green bubbles (green just happens to be my favorite color). We used some straws that we had to blow the bubbles until Kelli had this idea to put our straws in cups with a cloth on the end of it. It made these huge piles and streams of bubbles. This was very easy to do and we had a lot of fun doing it!

My awesome pile of bubbles, and ya I am standing on a chair, touching the ceiling.

Kelli's bubble stream, she is also standing on a chair.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 34 #14

Today's thing is "every kid should go to a museum". This was great because going to the museum counted for my class as well. We went to the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art on campus because my class required that the museum be an art museum. It was actually really cool. They had this skeleton made of mirrors they had it hanging upside down in its own little corner so that it reflected the light like a disco ball. They also had a exhibit made with wooden shoes like the ones from Holland, and they had them hooked up so that if you put a quarter in a machine the shoes starting playing a tune. It was actually really cool and a lot of fun!

This was my favorite the music playing wooden clogs.

This picture does not do the skeleton justice. It was seriously like a disco ball in it's own little corner. It was sweet!!

This was just a cool ceramic teapot there.

P.S. I found out after we went that you are not suppose to take pictures of the exhibits. . .oops.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 33 #70

Today's thing is "every kid should learn to appreciate the different abilities of people". For this one we decided to go to an event that is not appreciated by many people at least not here in the United States. I happen to coach the men's volleyball club team here at Utah State and men's volleyball is generally not appreciated here in the United States. Which is why there are only about 34 NCAA sponsered Men's volleyball teams in the country, most of which are in California. Anyways so Kelli came and hung out with me while I coached my guys at a tournament we had in Logan this last weekend. I forgot to take my camera, but I did get one on my phone so it is not the best picture but. . .

I have two teams an A team and a B team and this was actually both of my teams playing against each other.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 32 #71

Today's thing was every kid should be taken for a pajama ride". Well, seeing how Shan and I were both in our pajamas by 8 o'clock tonight, we decided that tonight would be a perfect night for a pajama ride, so that is what we did. We jumped in my car and headed out first we drove to the south end Wendy's and got some frosty and fries and then we drove over to Zeppe's (the most amazing custard and frozen water ice place ever! Like I go there at least two times a week . . .). At Zeppe's we actually went in in our pajamas and sat there and visited for a while as we enjoyed our treats. This is at least a 20 minute round trip but SO worth it and way fun to enjoy in our pajamas!

Chillin in our pajamas at Zeppe's

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 31 #5

Today's thing was "every kid should play in the bathtub until their skin wrinkles". I came home from school and took a nap and then when I got up Shan went to volleyball so we were a little short on time. When she got home I left her a note that said that she needed to get her swimsuit on and not complain or ask questions. While she was getting dressed I popped some popcorn and got my computer ready and broke the news to Shan. We were having a movie party . . . in the bathtub! So that is exactly what we did! Popcorn, candy, and drinks in hand we were ready to party. So there we sat in the tub getting wrinkly for over an hour and a half. We did have to heat up the water a few times but it was definitely fun!

Getting ready to watch the movie

Our fingers all wrinkly!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 30 #28

It is hard to believe that we have already done 30 of our 101 things. Today's thing is "every kids should help bake a cake from scratch and then lick the frosting bowl". This was one of my favorites because I like to bake and I love to eat. We decided to make better than sex cake, which is one of my favorite cakes. In keeping with the thing we had to make the cake mix from scratch, which I had never done before, but it was not too hard. Kelli also made the caramel that goes in the holes from scratch as well. As usual it was a lot of fun and our cake turned out pretty good, it was a little dry in certain places where the caramel did not soak in (which is why I would suggest using a cake box and making sure you have lots of holes). If you have some time you should definitely make this cake because it really is good.

Taking the egg cracking seriously.

Licking the beaters!

Our Finished Project

*Kel here butting in . . . Shan apparently forgot to mention that while making the cake we had a few adventures. . . like she burned up the beaters! haha! It would be somewhat funny and I would harass her more about it if they weren;t alread on the verge of going out, and if I hadn't messed up the caramel sauce. It called for brown sugar and I decided to use white. . . it still worked out though!